Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago
Parliament Souvenir

Our history is inextricably tied with the history of Chicago and the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. It was the 1893 Columbian Exposition's Parliament of Religions that a young monk named Vivekananda burst upon the Western world and it was given to Chicago to first receive his ..message to the West as Buddha had a message to the East. Numerous places in and around Chicago are filled with his memories and footprints. Read here about places and people associated with Swami Vivekananda in Chicago.

To know more about the history of the Vedanta Society, look here. You can also view a brief documentary video.

Spiritual Unfoldment
Vivekanda Vedanta Society of Chicago

Spiritual unfoldment is attained by proper guidance from a spiritual teacher and sustained effort by the spiritual student. Through gradual flowering of the inner personality one reaches the goal, knowledge of the Self, realization of God, peace eternal.

Truly interested & sincere seekers of spirituality may contact Swami Ishatmananda, President, Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago to receive guidance from him.

About us
Vivekanda Vedanta Society of Chicago

The Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago, established in 1930, is dedicated to bringing home the eternal message of Vedanta to humanity without discriminating about caste, culture, gender, language, nationality, or religion.

Through personal interviews, talks, lectures, seminars, inter-faith meetings, spiritual retreats, and religious celebrations we aim to translate into action the lofty philosophy of Swami Vivekanandato make people aware of their inner divinity and to help them to manifest it in every moment of life.

We are a branch of the Ramakrishna Order. Swami Ishatmananda, a monk of the Order, is the Minister and is available for interviews by appointment.

Home Of Harmony

125 years ago, in his historic addresses at the Parliament of Religions, Swami Vivekananda revealed to the Western World India's most ancient yet ever-rejuvenating message of universal acceptance and the innate Divinity of every human being, irrespective of race and nationality. The Swami's vibrant message instantly touched the hearts of over 7000 listeners who had gathered for the Parliament of Religions at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Home of Harmony Inspired by these great words and ideals we have embarked on a journey to express them in our lives, and we invite you to be a part of this journey to enrich your own lives.

Since its establishment in 1930, the Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago has offered many wonderful programs to enrich spiritual lives. Our recently established Home of Harmony offers a platform where everyone, regardless of race or religion, can practice and participate in interfaith and intra-faith dialogue, learn about the world's religions and their original languages, interact with the savants and practitioners of other faiths on a regular basis, share the commonalities in various faiths and cultures, and also deepen these experiences by staying in an ashrama where sincere seekers can enrich their lives under the guidance of monastic teachers.

See the Home of Harmony's inauguration photos, read the 2023 Annual Report (pdf)

Vivekananda Retreat Ganges

Spread over 100 acres, the Vivekananda Retreat located in Ganges, Michigan, was established in 1971 as a retreat facility - a place for spiritual seekers who wish to withdraw into solitude and engage in prayer, study, and meditation.

Each month there are lectures by Swami Ishatmananda. In addition, between the months of May and October, there are spiritual retreats on various topics by monks from other Vedanta centers. The facility is also available to those who wish to organize their own events.

Religious Symbols

Vedanta states that the underlying substance behind all phenomena, names, and forms is one. A few thousand years ago, the scriptures of India affirmed that Truth is one. The wise call it by different names.

Vedanta asserts that we are in essence divine — that our Real Self is that One, Eternal, Divine Spirit. In the words of Swami Vivekananda,

Each soul is potentially divine.The goal is to manifest this divinity...

Vedanta does not ask us to believe in any particular form or idea of God, or subscribe to any particular religion — it only asks that we be bold and sincere in our search for the Truth. It says that religion is not dogma or doctrine, but must be verified and experienced and that this experience of the Truth, of one's real Self, is the ultimate goal of life.

Help in Humanitarian Work

The Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago regularly supports the Ramakrishna Mission, which is involved in numerous humanitarian activities. Its Headquarters is located at Belur Math, West Bengal, India. The Ramakrishna Mission has numerous hospitals, educational institutions, orphanages, and old age homes. The Ramakrishna Mission also conducts rural development programs and performs relief work during natural disasters.

Upcoming Programs
Program Reports
School of World Religions

Enrollment in the school is now closed. Classes start March 1, 2024.

Chicago Calling e-zine

A new issue of our e-zine Chicago Calling has been published.

This issue starts with the editorial “Brahman is Kali” on the philosophical and iconographic significance of Shiva and Kali, and how Mother Kali and the Eternal Brahman are one and the same.

You will also find wonderfully informative articles — “Ashoka and Akbar”, by Dr. Colleen Taylor Sen on the practice of religious acceptance in India, and “Episcopal Aerobics: How Anglicans Pray” by Rev. Cara Wagner on the symbolic, ritualistic, and devotional prayer practices in the Anglican tradition.

In addition we bring you the next part of our regular feature “Bhagavata” by Swami Ishatmananda on the Bhagavata Purana, one of the great sacred texts of Hinduism.

Finally, you'll read an article “Another Tale of Two Mountains” relating the ideas of giving and gratitude to the deeper spiritual meaning and practice of acceptance.

You can read the ezine online or download a pdf to read offline.

The printed version of all issues (1 to 43) are now available for pickup from our bookstore.

"Is man an insignificant thing? He can think of God, he can think of the Infinite, while other living beings cannot." - Sri Ramakrishna
"The Kingdom of Heaven is within you." - Jesus Christ
"The Kingdom of Heaven is within us. God is within us. He is the Soul of our souls. See Him in your own soul. That is practical religion. That is freedom." - Vivekananda