Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago

Vivekananda Retreat Center

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Sri Ramakrishna used to say, Whenever you have leisure, go into solitude for a day or two. At that time, don't hold any conversation on worldly affairs. Live either in solitude or in the company of the holy.

The Vivekananda Retreat at Ganges, Michigan, provides a place for spiritual seekers to engage in prayer, meditation and study away from the distractions and cares of daily life. The Ganges retreat provides an atmosphere conducive to solitude and meditation in a non-sectarian context of reverence for all faiths, embodying the all-encompassing outlook of Sri Ramakrishna.

Daily activities include morning prayer at 5:15 a.m. and evening vesper service at 6:00 p.m.

A comprehensive library and a museum of religious artifacts from India are on the premises. An extensive bookstore is also available.

On November 7, 2013, a Shrine Trail was inaugurated by Swami Suhitananda, General Secretary, Ramakrishna Math and Mission. The mile-long trek along the trail takes one past shrines dedicated to the major religions of the world.

For a map and driving directions to the Vivekananda Retreat in Ganges, Michigan, click here.